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Players will learn to serve and return with better direction control, proper doubles
positioning, and key tactical situations to win more points at the net.

Day: Fridays (6 sessions)
Date: July 12 – Aug 16
Time: 12:00 – 1:30 PM
Price: $234
Maximum: 8 participants


Code Program Age Description Note Day Time Start Date End Date Weeks Avail Spots Member Price Non-Member Price Status


  • Ladies Div 4 - Doubles Tactical Training

    Age: 16 to 99

  • Description: Session 1
  • Note: Players will learn to serve and return with better direction control, proper doubles positioning, and key tactical situations to win more points at the net.
  • Day and Time : Fri 12:00 - 1:30 PM
  • Date : Jul. 12 to Aug. 16
  • Weeks: 6
  • Avail Spots: 3
  • Prices
    Member Price : $234.00,
    Non-Member Price: $234.00
  • Closed Jul 11, 2024

Ladies Div 4 - Doubles Tactical Training

16 to 99

Session 1

Players will learn to serve and return with better direction control, proper doubles positioning, and key tactical situations to win more points at the net.


12:00 - 1:30 PM

Jul. 12

Aug. 16





Closed Jul 11, 2024